Niederreiter Quasirandom Sequence Generator 
This sample implements Niederreiter Quasirandom Sequence Generator and Inverse Cumulative Normal Distribution function for Standart Normal Distribution generation. |

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This sample demonstrates how Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) for blocks of 8 by 8 pixels can be performed using CUDA: a naive implementation by definition and a more traditional approach used in many libraries. As opposed to implementing DCT in a fragment shader, CUDA allows for an easier and more efficient implementation.

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Marching Cubes Isosurfaces 
This sample extracts a geometric isosurface from a volume dataset using the marching cubes algorithm. It uses the scan (prefix sum) function from the CUDPP library to perform stream compaction. |

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Monte Carlo Option Pricing with multi-GPU support 
This sample evaluates fair call price for a given set of European options using the Monte Carlo approach, taking advantage of all CUDA-capable GPUs installed in the system. This sample use double precision hardware if a GTX 200 class GPU is present. |

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FFT Ocean Simulation 
This sample simulates an Ocean heightfield using CUFFT and renders the result using OpenGL. |

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FFT-Based 2D Convolution 
This sample demonstrates how 2D convolutions with very large kernel sizes can be efficiently implemented using FFT transformations. |

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This sample implements Mersenne Twister random number generator and Cartesian Box-Muller transformation on the GPU. |

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Monte Carlo Option Pricing 
This sample evaluates fair call price for a given set of European options using Monte Carlo approach. This sample use double precision hardware if a GTX 200 class GPU is present. |

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Binomial Option Pricing 
This sample evaluates fair call price for a given set of European options under binomial model. This sample will also take advantage of double precision if a GTX 200 class GPU is present. |

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Image denoising 
This sample demonstrates two adaptive image denoising technqiues: KNN and NLM, based on computation of both geometric and color distance between texels. While both techniques are implemented in the DirectX SDK using shaders, massively speeded up variation of the latter techique, taking advantage of shared memory, is implemented in addition to DirectX counterparts. |

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DirectX Texture Compressor (DXTC) 
High Quality DXT Compression using CUDA.
This example shows how to implement an existing computationally-intensive CPU compression algorithm in parallel on the GPU, and obtain an order of magnitude performance improvement. |

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Fluids (Direct3D Version) 
An example of fluid simulation using CUDA and CUFFT, with Direct3D 9 rendering. |

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Line of Sight 
This sample is an implementation of a simple line-of-sight algorithm: Given a height map and a ray originating at some observation point, it computes all the points along the ray that are visible from the observation point. The implementation is based on the parallel scan primitive provided by the CUDPP library (http://www.gpgpu.org/developer/cudpp/). |

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N-Body Simulation 
This sample demonstrates efficient all-pairs simulation of a gravitational n-body simulation in CUDA. This sample accompanies the GPU Gems 3 chapter "Fast N-Body Simulation with CUDA". |

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Parallel Reduction 
A parallel sum reduction that computes the sum of large arrays of values. This sample demonstrates several important optimization stratezies for parallel algorithms like reduction. |

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Fast Walsh Transform 
Naturally(Hadamard)-ordered Fast Walsh Tranform for batched vectors of arbitrary eligible(power of two) lengths |

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The computation of all or a subset of all eigenvalues is an important problem in linear algebra, statistics, physics, and many other fields. This sample demonstrates a parallel implementation of a bisection algorithm for the computation of all eigenvalues of a
tridiagonal symmetric matrix of arbitrary size with CUDA. |

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Sobel Filter 
This sample implements the Sobel edge detection filter for 8-bit monochrome images. |

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This example demonstrates an efficient CUDA implementation of parallel prefix sum, also known as "scan". Given an array of numbers, scan computes a new array in which each element is the sum of all the elements before it in the input array. |

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Scan of Large Arrays 
This example demonstrates an efficient CUDA implementation of parallel prefix sum (also known as "scan") for arbitrary-sized arrays. Given an array of numbers, scan computes a new array in which each element is the sum of all the elements before it in the input array. |

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Fluids (OpenGL Version) 
An example of fluid simulation using CUDA and CUFFT, with OpenGL rendering. |

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1D Discrete Haar Wavelet Decomposition 
Discrete Haar wavelet decomposition for 1D signals with a length which is a power of 2. |

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